Friday, June 10, 2011

The Most Important Tips for Maintaining The Good Habit

Most Important Tips for Maintaining The Good Habit
Habit that is an acquired pattern of the behavior that occurs automatically.Most of the life habitual. We do the same things that we did yesterday, the day before and every day.Habit may be good and bad but that makes us who we are.The most important things is controlling them.If we know how to handle the our habit then even small effort may change the big changes in the life.for example, students go to school to get education for the better or more prosperous life.But many of the habit should be truly be successful that are learned outside the classroom.Developing the good habit helps the individuals of all ages.So habit may both good and bad but here i am going to describe about good habit.If we make the routines of the developing the good habit that will help us to create the success for the rest of the life.They are the essential tool for our life to live better life. So each and everyone should make good habit in their life.Otherwise they will become the worthless person in the world.So i can say that good habit everyone needs for success.Following are the some of the important tips for the goods habit.
  • Eat a Healthy Food: We know that our brain is the most important organ, so it needs healthy diet to perform the activities at the peak.We can make a good habit about it.Like the students should not go to school without eating the food or with empty stomach.They should to be trained themselves early to eat balanced food.We should tend to carry the habits we learn when we are young forward with us for most of our lives.Because learning to eat right food now can avoid the many health issues in the future. So it is the first tips for maintaining the good habit.
  • Learn to Exercise:The another important tips that helps to maintain the good habit is to learn to exercise.Exercise is very important thing in our life. Because if we do regular exercise, it makes us healthy.So we should be active physically to stay healthy.We need to make exercise routines that are fun and match to our life.So developing the exercise routine is also the good habit that increases the quality or quantity of our life.
  • Developing the Good Habit of Study: Studying is a effective itself.We all are the lifelong learner in this universe.We should study and gather the knowledge in effective and efficient manner.Learning how to study and acquire the knowledge to succeed doesn't occur naturally it is the habit.So we should increase our skill and ask other to develop our good study habit. So it an important good habit tips.
  • Respect the Environment: Environment is very essential part of the life.So to respect the environment is another important tips for maintaining the good habit.Because we only have this one world and we depend on it for our survival.Everyone needs to protect the environment.So we should develop the habit that will help us to be good environmental citizens for lifetime.
  • Know What We Want to Make a habit:first of all we should be well known what we want to make a good habit. This is very important to every individuals.for example:if you want to play the flute, first you have to be well known about music that will make you better person.So to make you know the fact about good habit is also an important thing to maintain the good habit.
  • Get on a Good Schedule:We everyone need to make the routines and structure of everything.To perform the best we have to make the regular schedule. We should do everything in time according to our made schedule.If we are the parents then is is our job to teach this habit to our children early.Because this routine will stay with person their whole life and help them to develop good works habit.So it is another important tips for maintaining the good habit.
  • Never Give Up: This is the most important tips that maintains the good habit in our life.We all know that winners never quit and quitters never win.I think it is very true.We should make such a determination that will never let us to give from anything.We should not give up if we are failure in one side but we keep trying until we get success.If we give up then we never get what we want in the life. So to develop the habit of not giving up is the most important thing in our life which maintains the good habit.
  • Manage Money Wisely:Money is necessary thing in our life but it should be spent properly in right place or purpose.Is is also a good habit that we should save money, spend it in right place or purpose.If we make it habit then it will help us to make our future bright.Therefore it may be good tips.
  • Always Say The Truth:Truth is that thing which often comes whether we want it or not.So we should develop the habit of telling the truth even when it is difficult.This will save us from a lot of problems in our life.
  • Be Regular Reader:Being the good reader is the skill that gives us various knowledge of different things.So to be a good reader is also a good habit for evMost Important Tips for Maintaining The Good Habiteryone.The more we read more we get.Reading different books has numerous benefits.It helps us to built our career,expands our knowledge, our creativity etc.So we should make the routine of reading. Therefore it is important tips for maintaining the good habit to make the routine of reading.
  • Should Be Punctual:We should be punctual in every step in our life.For example,we should get up in time,go to school in time,eat foods in time, play in time,do homework in time etc.They all are the good habit.If we make this habit it will help us to make our life better.So we should create the habit of being the punctual now and we don't have to worry in the future.
  • Strive for Excellence:The another important tips for each and everyone is to strive for excellence for maintaining the good habit.We always look for excellence in everything that we are going to do it.We need to develop the habit of giving every task our best effort.Standard should be the standard we strive for in all we do.We should not be careless about what we do.Because if we do our best now, then it makes our life fruitful.So making the good habit of giving the excellence will ensure ou life and carry forward our life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Important Project Management Fundamentals For The New Comers

The Important Project Management Fundamentals For The New Comers
First of all before the new comer enter into the project management fundamentals process,then the new comers should be well known about project management.So new comer know about what is project management?So lets discuss about it.Project management is the discipline of planning,organizing,securing and managing the resource ineffective way to bring the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.In another words, project management is the application of the knowledge,skills,tools and techniques to meet the projects requirements of the projects activities.Project management is accomplished through various process such as initiation,planing,execution,controlling and closing.

Project Management Fundamentals:

The following discussion about the project management fundamentals is created by my own experienced and hope it is the best for all new comers who are keen about project management.

What is Project?

It is important to the new comer to know the project before start it.A project is the temporary endeavor,which is defined beginning and end, undertaken to meet the unique goals and objectives.It is totally different form the other task because that doesn't have the end date.Projects are run by different people and organizations.There are various constraints on the projects such as cost,budgets,schedule,resources etc.Generally the projects are divisible in to the stages and phases each with their own set of priorities and goals.

What is Project Management?

Project management is the discipline of planning,organizing,securing and managing resources to bring the successful completion of the specific project goals.Project management is a combination of techniques, procedures,people and systems focused on the successful completion of project goals.It also support the planning,implementation,control etc of the project.Project management is accomplished through the use of the various process such as initiation,planning,executive,controlling,closing etc.The Important Project Management Fundamentals For The New ComersSo the new comer should have proper knowledge about it.

What is Program management?

The another important project management fundamentals sector to the new comer is the knowledge about the program management.Program management is the process of managing different activities related to project, often with the intention of improving an organization's performance.It involves the centrally managing and controlling groups of related projects to gain the objectives of the program.In some cases, the project management is the subject of the program management.

Know About the Project Phases:

There are a lot of project phases which are the important project management fundamentals.They should be known well.They are Define the project,plan the project,implement the project plan,evaluate the project etc.The new comer should know about the different project phases.So it may be the important project management fundamentals to the new comer.

Understanding and Managing the Project Politics:

Projects also run under the politics.So The new comers have to understand each other feeling that they are jockeying to achieve the goals and this is the most important.Managing this politics is an essential task for the project manager and team member.The main task to manage the politics is the task of
The Important Project Management Fundamentals For The New Comers
keeping the people informed.The bigger the project the more time it takes to communicate the information.

Balance the Priorities:

The another important project management fundamentals to all the new comer is to balance the priorities.Because the project has the various priorities.Such priorities may be what should be achieved or what should be achieved if possible and what would follow from the previous choices etc.The new comers should keep in mind that the priorities of various stakeholders are different and they will vary over the time.So project manager should manage this job in effective manner.

Project Scope:This is very important aspects of project management fundamentals to the new comers.The objective of this step it to define the results that the customer expects.There are various ways or methods to understand what is really being asked for and that should be used in effective manner.To use this methods there are formal methods and documentations that help this process.This step is also the start of the recruitment process.

Project Risk:

Risk is very important factors in any project because there is saying no risk no gain.The main aim of this step is to identify and record the major issues that can affect the project.As the project progress the risk also progress, so the risk should be reviewed to ensure it remains comprehensive.In this process some item disappear while other will be added. There are uncertainties and difficulties in the projects.So this issues should be identified and solved very clearly to run the project properly.Therefore it becomes essential project management fundamentals to the new comer.

Project feasibility:

It is important to the new comer that project feasibility should be assessed before the projects starts.The new comer should consider weather the project is technically correct or not and new comer should also consider that it has organizational support and financial support or not.They should take the help of business case that is very useful with feasibility analysis and it includes the cost benefit analysis.

Project Deliverable:

The another important fundamentals stage of project management is the project deliverable.The New comer know that deliverable are tangible and measurable which the external shareholder will receive when the project is completed.They are equipments,completion of report,installation of raw materials etc.It is necessary to define the task of every project through various process such as work breakdown structure,product breakdown structure,organization breakdown structure,cost breakdown structure etc.Similarly good estimate are also necessary or the success of the project because they are useful for obtaining approval to start or continue a project and setting priorities.So it is important project management fundamentals.

Project Management Skills:

Project management skills is essential part of the project manager.Effective project management requires the following skills.
  • Project management knowledge competency:This refers to what the project management team knows about project management.The Important Project Management Fundamentals For The New Comers
  • Project management performance competency:This refers to what the project management team is able to do or accomplish with the project management knowledge.
  • Personal competency:This refers to how the project management team behaves when performing the project.
Interpersonal Management skills:

This skills includes the effective communication,influencing the organization,leadership,motivation,decisionmaking,team building,political and culture awareness etc.

The above mentioned ideas are very essential project management fundamentals to the new comers which is very important before the any kind of project starts.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Most Important Natural Causes of Climate Change In The Universe

Climate Change is the long term change in the statistical distribution of the weather patterns over the period ranging from decades to millions of years.Climate Change may be the change in the average weather conditions or the distribution of events around that average.Climate Change may be limited in the specific region or may occur across the whole universe.We know that the univers's climate is the dynamic and keeps changing in a natural cycle.The Climate Change occurring today because of the human activities, really makes the world very worried.

Many scientists are studying about these climate change all over the world or universe and they are finding the evidence from the tree rings, pollen samples, ice cores and sea sediments.The natural variability and the climate functions of the climate system are the parts of the earth's history but there have been changes in the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere growing at unprecedented rate. To understand the climate changes fully the ause of the climate change should be firstly identified. Here we can divide the causes of the climate change into two categorizes.They are natural causes an human cause.

Natural causes of Climate Changes

There are a lots of natural factors in the universe that causes the climate change in the world.Some of them are ocean currents, volcanoes,solar variations, earth's tilt etc. They are discussed bellow.
  • Volcanoes:When the volcano erupts it throws large amount of the sulfur dioxide, water vapor, dusts and ashes in the atmosphere.We know the volcanic activities remains for only a short period but the large volumes of the gases and the ashes influence the climate patterns for years.Similarly the millions of tones of the sulfur dioxide may reach the upper level of atmosphere from the major eruption and that gases and dusts particles may block the incoming ray of the sun. Tiny particles produced by the volcano are called aerosols because they reflects the energy of the solar back in to the space and they have the cooling impact on the world.Similarly the sulfur dioxide combines the water to form tiny droplets of sulfuric acid which are so small that can stay for several year.They are efficient reflection of the sunlight and screen the ground from some of the energy that would receive from the sun.Therefore the volcanic activities causes the climate change in the universe.
  • Ocean Current:The another natural factor that cause the climate change in the earth is ocean current because they are the major components of the climate system.We all know that they cover about 71% of the earth and absorb the about twice as much of the sun's radiation as the atmosphere or the land surface.Ocean current move vast amount of the heat across the planet and the same amount as the atmosphere does.Wind push horizontally against the sea surface and drive the ocean currents.The phenomena such as EI Nino produced by the interactions between the ocean and atmosphere, occur every 2 to 6 years. Similarly there are the deep ocean circulation of cold water form the pole towards the equator and the movement of the warm water towards the pole. This Process vital role to make the pole cold and the equator the warmer.The ocean can play an important role to determine the atmosphere of concentration of CO2.So change in the circulation of the ocean have great impacts on the climate change through the movement of the CO2 into or out of the atmosphere. Ocean current also change the direction or slow down.Much of the heat which escapes from the ocean is in the water vapour. the most abundant greenhouse gases.Water vapor also helps to create the clouds. Therefore the ocean current has the great effect on the climate change in the universe.The Most Important Natural Causes of Climate Change In The Universe
  • Solar Variation:We know that sun is the great source of the energy for the earth's system.Although the sun's energy comes constantly everyday as per the point of view, but the small changes over an extended period of time may lead the changes in the climate.As the sun is the great or fundamental source of the energy for the earth that is instrumental in our climate system. So it is reasonable to assume that change in the sun's output may cause the climate change.According to the scientific studies the solar variation had the great effect in the climate change in the past.Current global warming is incomplete without the solar variation.Because since 1750 the amount of the energy coming from the sun either remained constant or increased.The scientists have also observed that a cooling in the upper atmosphere and warmer in the surface and lower parts of the atmosphere.Because this is due to greenhouse gases.So we can say the solar variation can change the climate in various ways in the universe.
  • Continental Drift: According to the scientists South America and Africa were joined together many years ago, and all continents were all parts of the one large landmass.There are a lot of proof about it such as similarity between the plants and animal fossils and broad belts of rocks found in the eastern side of South America.The discovery of the fossils of the tropical plant in the Antarctica has made the conclusion that, this frozen land in the past must have been the closer to the equator, where the climate was the tropical.The continents which we know well or we are living today, were formed where the landmass began gradually drifting apart, millions of years back.This drift had also great effect on the climate change because it changed the physical parts of the landmass and the position of the water bodies.The separation of the landmass change the flow of the ocean current and winds the affects the climate system. Therefore the continentals drift has the The Most Important Natural Causes of Climate Change In The Universegreat impact on the climate change.So it is an important natural causes that affects the whole universal climate.
  • Earth Orbital Change:The another natural factor in the universe that affects the climate change is the earth's tilt.We all know that the earth makes a full orbit around sun each year.It is titled at the angel of 23.5 degree to the perpendicular plane of its orbit path.So changes in the tilt of the earth may lead to the small but climatically important change in the position of the seasons. More tilt means warmer summer and colder winter and less tilt means colder summer and milder winter.Similarly sloe change in the earth tilt can lead to the small but climatically important change in the strength of the seasons. So it has great effect on the climate change.